
A Very Special Heart: Lifesaving Medical Information You Carry

As a mother of two children with chronic medical conditions, I keep two binders complete with medical copies of their hospitalizations and anything pertinent from a doctor.  I quickly learned to gather this information when my youngest was taken over two hours away to a hospital in Savannah.  The doctors wanted to know her background and although my memory is pretty good, I wasn't able to remember all details with accuracy and after that, I started these folders to be able to hand to a doctor at an ER, a routine visit or a hospitalization to ensure accuracy.  I found that accuracy matters especially for doctors who are not familiar with your history.  Being able to provide a quick and easy way for detailed information can make the difference between life and death.

When I first read about A Very Special Heart, I was extremely interested in being able to wear this beautiful silver heart shaped necklace (or a globe) around my neck to have this vital, life saving information no matter where I am at.  I received A Very Special Heart which offers a choice to wear around the neck or as a key chain for added versatility.  It has a large clasp which would be good for older people who might have finger dexterity issues and the chain is sturdy yet attractive.

Review of the Package:

Once I opened the very nice box it arrived in, I found the heart was encased in a velvet, heart shaped box adding to the luxury of its presentation.  The heart's bottom comes up to reveal the USB port to plug into your computer and a hidden compartment for emergency medication. The software to activate it is easy to follow and upon entering the activation code and contact information, you are ready to go.  I liked the easy activation steps which allows a greater ease for those that are not as computer literate but are able to perform basic functionality.

Medical Information Set Up Review:

Entering your information into A Very Special Heart is similar to completing your medical forms at a doctor's office for the first time.  You can add prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, allergies, medical conditions, dates of hospitalizations, dates of vaccinations, names and contacts for your doctors, details of persons you want contacted in event of an emergency, health insurance information and Medicare/Medigap information.

The use of drop down menus helps to easily enter information that is routine thus cutting down on time necessary to complete applicable information.  Another key piece of information is language spoke.  For a patient that is unable to communicate, this will allow for the hospital to obtain a translator for when the patient wakes.  The information collected would also be ideal for a missing person's report as items such as height, weight, birthmarks and more are stored.

If something doesn't apply, when you check "continue," it will validate that you do not have that condition or the question is not applicable thus adding accuracy to your records.  You can also add your picture to your record to ensure they have the correct information for the patient.  As part of the A Very Special Heart service, you can receive valuable up-to-date health information on your medical conditions, allergies and drugs.

Not only is A Very Special Heart innovative and vital to your health or a loved one's health, it also allows you to add more than one person which is ideal for my family since we have two children.  You can also add vital records by scanning documents in such as actual medical records, patient consents, x-rays, social security cards, passport information and more.

Pending on how you want to store your documents, public or private, you can control who has access by utilizing your master password.  This provides extra piece of mind in case you misplace it or lose it.

Final Review:

I highly recommend A Very Special Heart if you or a loved one has a medical condition when time matters as well as accuracy.  It is very pretty and elegant and whether you choose the globe or heart, it can be worn on a necklace or used as a keychain.  You can choose between 18k gold or rhodium silver for your finish and it includes a wallet size emergency care information for emergency personnel, an emergency pill compartment for emergency medication, a 24 hour on call nurse and free replacement if you lose or damage your heart of globe.  The software provides translation in several languages.  Click here to see all available languages.  It also is password protected if you choose to add additional documents such as passports, social cards, etc.

It has a 30 day unconditional, 100% money back guarantee and for only $14.95, you can have a 30 day trial set up.  

Overall, it's a win-win situation for you or your loved ones.

Additional Information:

Neurosurgeon Dr. Joseph Maroon explains why having information available can save a life here.

For 90 days post purchase, you get access to a wealth of additional services free.

John Shanahan, serial entrepreneur, developed A Very Special Heart and a Very Special Globe in response to the sudden death of a friend who died suddenly when insulin levels became too low but emergency medical personnel mistakingly thought the friend was drunk.  A mistake that cost his friend's life.

*Disclaimer:  The subject matter expressed in this post of are my personal opinions.  The sponsor company who provided the product did not financially compensate me for this post.  A complimentary product was supplied in exchange for my opinion.

Youthful Tips


  1. Wow that sounds like a great thing to have when you have a lot of information to remember about a medical condition. I will have to pass this info along to few people that I know could def use it.


  2. I can't tell you the piece of mind I'm going to have to be able to provide all of this wherever I go. I only carry my folders when I visit the doctor's office so this is great news and it's pretty! :)

    Thanks for the comment as always!

    I need chocolate!

  3. I like the look of it and it is similar to an item we use currently for Kennedy...I am just wondering how would the medical professionals know that it has your info in an emergency? Is there anything on it to make it stand out?

  4. Colleen,
    It comes with a small card that fits with your drivers license or any id that medical professionals are trained to look for if you are hurt and can't talk to them, you write on it how you were the heart. It's pretty cool because if you call the company they will send you more, my grandmother has one and has a couple different wallets and didn't want to keep switching it out. She loves hers.

  5. There is a card for your wallet to carry around that they will see if they look for identification or other alerts since some people carry those in their wallets. The card tells medical staff how to use the heart or globe. There is a picture in the post above on what it looks like. :)

  6. This is a really interesting product! Inside your Very Special Heart™ you can carry all of your Personal Health Records…and a dose of emergency medication. You can also carry all of your family’s health records and secure copies of important documents (passports, driver’s licenses, birth certificates etc). Amazing!

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  7. What a wonderful idea. I think it's a lovely way of carrying all your info in a safe place that also looks pretty! :) I love that they stand behind their product and offer the 100% money bank guarantee too.


Thank you!