
My First Mamavation Post to be in the Sistahood

I'm finally doing it!  Joining the great Mamation motivators and Bookieboo in realizing my goals of finally getting in shape!  I have the EarthFootwear shoes, I watch the Tweets, I get the e-mails so there is nothing holding me back now more excuses as it's time to do it!

I started Nutrisystem last week to regulate my caloric intake and I ride my bike six days a week for at least 30 minutes if not for an hour or two sometimes. 

I lost two pounds last week and have maintained it in spite of some cheating.  I'm trying to fit in fruits and vegetables but it's hard when no one else eats them with me. In spite of how I try to encourage it, it never happens.  My biggest struggle is having two young children who don't sleep at night so I'm always tired.  I have all the responsibilities and luckily, I have an older daughter who helps me a lot.  I still work so that is a challenge too along with having my husband deploying to Kuwait next month for a month.

My ultimate goal is to lose 30 pounds in a safe, healthy manner that will change my behaviors for the long term.  I want to join the Mamavation Sistahood to receive help and encouragement while giving back.  I see through the events and twittering how helpful and encouraging the sistahood is.

Youthful Tips


  1. I'm so glad you decided to join us! Congrats on your already existing commitment and weight loss. You are definitely facing some challenges but it sounds like you are dedicated to making the change!

  2. I agree on the challenges and I'm ready to go so the final step was committing to be with the great moms at Mamavation for the rest! Thank you!

  3. I'm so glad you are pledging. We are a chummy and encouraging group and LOVE to look at the positive side rather than the negative. Things are done slowly around here. My biggest piece of advice is to take baby steps at the beginning. You want to make changes, but not so many that it overwhelms you and your family. If you've been on diets before, you know from experience that they don't work. We encourage healthy lifestyle choices. Make a couple of them this week and then make more next week. You've got a lifetime to learn, so don't worry. And about the kids, they learn from mom modeling the behavior. You can break them in slowly, don't worry. XXOO

  4. Congrats on the two pounds! I love the sistahood and so glad you are a member now too! Now we can keep supporting each other again more regularly!

  5. Congrats on the two pounds and the commitment to lose in a safe, healthy manner. You sound like you belong in our group. Keep plucking away at your baby steps and we'll be here to support ya in the Sistahood.

  6. Whoot! Welcome to the sistahood. Congrats on your loss and good luck this week.


Thank you!