
Mamavation Monday (Week 3 For Me)

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This week was a little tougher with my husband being home as he approaches his year deployment to Kuwait, my oldest (invaluable helper) had a string of doctor appointments for her pregnancy and I have been waiting every month to learn of the job cuts at my employer.  After seeing the before and after pictures of Katie on Mamavation, I was reinspired.


On Friday, I tried interval training on my bike for the first time.  I don't know if I did something right or wrong but the next day, it felt like I had done sit ups.  I have a recumbent bike so perhaps the angle during the high cycling times forced me to use some stomach muscles.  I turned to interval training after Colleen (Mamavation Mom) and my dear friend in Australia, Annie, told me she started it.  We'll see how that turns out!

On Saturday, Bookieboo will be proud of me as I ditched my Nutrasystem and ate a nice salad with a little bit of filet mignon.  I also snacked on some apple slices before dinner.  I rode my bike for 75 minutes and still have to put in some interval time.  We took the kids outside, played ball and raked a little in the yard.

Goals for this week:
  • More water
  • More vegetables and fruit
  • More interval training
If you haven't checked out Mamavation yet, you should.  It's a great group of women who truly inspire a healthier lifestyle.  It's not just about losing weight whereas it's a focus in living healthier and Bookieboo is the fearless leader.

Earth Footwear is a sponsor and provides these great shoes to help you tone and lose weight as you walk.  I bought a pair after seeing Bookieboo and her Twitter Tweets prior to joining the Sistahood and am hoping to win a pair for my pregnant daughter to join me on the walks.  Earth Footwear claims you can burn 4x more fat than ordinary shoes.  I can definitely attest you really feel it and it's not just a burn rather it feels like you ran.  I love mine!

You can join too and participate and there will also be a Twitter party on April 9th.  Just click here to find out more.

I only lost one pound this week but losing something is better than nothing!

Youthful Tips


  1. OMG, good for you! I LOVE that you ate meat and vegetables. That is exactly what you should be eating. Great choices too. I'm so happy you are off that diet. My mom was on it when I was a kid, and boy did she NOT learn anything. Gained it all back and then some. I'm going to be so happy seeing you be good to your body and do it slowly. XXOO

  2. It sounds like you had a great week!

    I'm getting ready to start interval training too - hope it's great. :)

    You're doing really really well - keep up the good work!

  3. Diets do not work. You have to make healthy choices and adjust your way of thinking. Remember eating habits are something that we develop over time, so we have to unlearn bad eating habits. Diets only work as long as you are on the diet. Healthy choices make a lasting change.

  4. Congrats on your weight loss! You are right! Losing something is better than nothing or gaining something! ;)

    Keep it up!

  5. Yes, Bookieboo, I'm learning as you and the others are great inspiration! The comments on the blog posts help as you get so much encouragement and great advice!

    Thanks to you, Krista & Daenel! hugs!

  6. Congrats on your loss! One pound is way better than nothing! Good for you taking your eating into your own hands. I think it's much more likely to stick that way!

  7. Thanks, Brittney! I agree that it's about eating properly to sustain a healthy balance :)

  8. It sounds like it was a hard week with all the stressors in your life. You did a remarkable job with the interval training and coming off Nutrasystem in the midst of everything. Have a great week. Enjoy this time with your hubby before deployment.


Thank you!