
Losing Weight in the Sistahood and #Mamavation

I've been trying and trying to lose weight and get healthier and ever since I hit 40 (will be 42 in July), I'm realizing the importance of getting in shape for longevity over appearance sake.  I finally joined the Mamavation Sistahood to further the encouragement and success.

;Watch Lives Change   

Since I started working on the weight loss track (again), two weeks ago, I've lost five pounds by counting calories and sticking to the Nutrisystem plan.  I bought the EarthFootwear shoes and wear them everywhere to add a little extra to the weight loss and I ride my bike minimally for one hour a day.


Yahoo Health had a great article on easy ways to lose weight.  After reading it, it wasn't anything new or truly informative but I considered it further reinforcement to help make little changes that will equal big chances in the long run.  The summary is:

  • Eat hot soup before you eat lunch or dinner as hot foods forces you to slow down and eat.  If you are like me, you are an unwilling marathon eater and can't control it!  I multi-task so much and for so many years that I cram food in to get to the next task or I eat and task at the same time.  Before I know it, I just consumed a 1700 calorie Wendy's meal in 10 minutes flat!
  • Don't eat heavily before bed.  In fact, I've routinely read that you shouldn't eat after 6 pm.  I don't understand that one as so many people eat dinner after 7 pm but aren't overweight but then again, they probably eat less than I would at a meal.
  • Live like a city dweller which means find ways to walk more.  Park down further at Walmart or park and walk to get your food order.  Little things add up and this is an easy way to do it.
  • Try dashing chili pepper on your food as it helps to stimulate your metabolism while possibly curtailing your hunger. I also read the cinnamon does this.
  • Limit your calories in drinks.  You would be surprised how quickly those Starbucks or apple juices add up.  I also have been wondering how calorie free the fake sugars are.  Every time I quit drinking them and switch to water, I drop weight.  I'm sure it's a benefit to having the water to flush the body but it still seems like there has to be something about the so-called calorie free claims.
  • My biggest one: weigh yourself daily!  This is so true even though many experts state you shouldn't do this.  How many times have you forced yourself on the scales after a couple of weeks, trying to shift to one side over the other to trick the scale only to find you packed on a few pounds?  When you weigh yourself daily, you are more accountable in ensuring the scale doesn't go up and it's motivating to see it staying put or going down.  One way it's bad is when you are trying to lose weight and you see no movement.  With any weight loss program when you incorporate exercise, there is a period of weight increase as you shift from fat to muscle. 
Overall, I think the biggest changes are recording your intake, drinking water, exercising and weighing yourself daily.  You can read the entire article here.

Youthful Tips


  1. So glad to see you joining the mamavation sistahood! I am seriously thinking of applying for this next campaign, How about you?

  2. I figured it was time to quit watching given your successes in it all! You should apply and I will vote and tweet for you! :)


Thank you!