
Family Fun Night

So many families are too busy to gather together for fun and family oriented events.  Often times, it's work, other extracurricular activities, busy social lives and internet addiction taking its toll on the family.  Even though I spend a good amount of time on the internet, I do hold my block zones where I focus solely on the children and other family events.  We started a tradition back in the fall for blocking out a Friday of each month for Family Fun Night.  We typically choose a recent release entirely kid focused and a dinner theme to coordinate with it.

Our last Family Fun Night involved a Mexican theme.  I printed a menu with the help of my almost seven year old that included cute Mexican clip art.  She was able to decorate it and pass it around for everyone to choose their selection.

The movie, although not related to any Mexican theme, was Planet 51.  After dinner, we watch the movie and use our counter top popcorn maker to pop the amazingly good popcorn I found from an Ebay seller.  It tastes as good as movie theater popcorn.

If you haven't started a Family Fun Night, you should!  There are endless possibilities to plan one to bring your family back together.

Here are some other ideas:

  1. With warmer weather coming, camping is a lot of fun to some and this is the perfect family activity.
  2. Plan an actual movie theater night.  Although not as personal as spending time together since you can't openly speak, it's still a great option.
  3. Take the kids roller skating!  There are still many rinks open and this is a great way to show off your roller skating abilities.
  4. Pull out the board games or buy some new ones.  Even Wii has great games the whole family can play and the bonus is getting a little physical activity!

What are your ideas for creating a fun family fun night?

Youthful Tips

1 comment:

  1. We love doing the Wii for family fun nights...or playing cards. We also will rent movies and let the kids bring pillows and blankets out on the floor and make some popcorn. Once it gets warmer we do a lot of bbq with eating outside playing, boating or swimming.


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