
Everybody Loves Babies: Premiering Mother's Day Weekend

As part of my participation with BzzAgent, I'm spreading the word about a new movie coming out that is near and dear to parents and especially moms.  Everyone loves babies but what about watching the story of four babies at once?  When I watched the trailer, my computer became an instant magnet with all my kids running over to see it and of course, we didn't just watch it once!

Get ready for a visually stunning and joyful new film that simultaneously chronicles the lives of four of the world's newest inhabitants in Mongolia, Namibia, San Francisco and Toyko.   The film will cover first breaths to first steps all at once.  This unique movie will premier in theaters Mother's Day weekend. 
This really looks like a touching movie about life and also about cultural differences.  I watched in amazement at the stark differences in the lives of some of these babies as well as noticed how similar they are.  You'll see what I mean at the beginning of the trailer with the two little ones playing and what transpires!

To see more, check out the preview now:

*Disclaimer:  I'm participating in the BzzAgent's Babies Ambassador program whereas I may receive a prize for participating.  I have not received any compensation for this post.

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