
Thought I'd Never See the Day: It Snowed in Augusta!

We're ending our third year in Georgia and we finally got some "real" snow!  I grew up near Chicago so nothing beats lake effect snow but I was happy!

Youthful Tips


  1. I have lots of friends down there and all of them have lived elsewhere. They had to tell people that they were from Ohio and that the little bit of snow that came was nothing to what we get in Northeast Ohio. Be careful down there, you people don't know how to drive and think the world is coming to an end, lol.


  2. It's always amusing to see the newpaper comments whenever they forecast even a dusting of snow as everything starts shutting and closing down. I guess it's fair since they don't get snow on average here. They said we received anywhere from 5-7" which is the second biggest storm since 1950. Too bad my six year old has a painful earache, fever and congestion to enjoy it :(. You are right about the driving! This is an average winter day back in Indiana where I came from! Thank you!


Thank you!