
Optimal Eating and Losing Weight

Like so many others, I struggle with weight loss and I suppose if I spent as much time blogging, I would be thin!  I've finally figured out a way that I can balance the laptop on the recumbant bike and workout at a not-so-bad pace.  Today, all in all, I biked over two hours.  I pulled that heavy thing into my office area and watched training presentations for work while I put away over an hour's worth of time and then I did another hour.  On top of that, I completed 20 minutes with my daughter and EA Sports Active.  That is such a fun workout and I'm glad Colleen introduced me to that one.

I'm on a weightloss group from another blog and I have to admit that I have not been posting like I should and I'm not losing weight like I should be.  I'm hoping today will be the turnaround point.

I was reading an article that in Europe, people eat their heavest meal between 10 am and 2 pm.  I think that's all good but moderation still plays in terms of picking the right food.  Starting tomorrow, I'm going back on what I learned from Quick Weight Loss and hopefully will achieve my results.

Youthful Tips


  1. I hope that things work out for you in the weightless game. I know I can stand to lose a few, but I just don't have the motivation to exercise. I try to eat right, but clearly as you can see in the title of my blog I have a thing for Chocolate.


  2. Losing weight is so so soooo hard for me! I am an emotional eater!

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