
Military? Check Your W4s for Residency Due to New Law

I wrote about this before but had forgotten it until I was reading the Army Times over the weekend.  Apparently in November, they passed a bill granting the spouse of a military person the right to claim the same state residency.  For those in the military, you know what a pain it is to have to fill out two state tax returns, one for you where you live and the other for your spouse for the state he/she lived in when first enlisted.  I've not been a good military wife as I never learned all the correct Army lingo but I know there is another word or statement for that.

The article furthered the fact that it's retroactive for 2009!  If you meet the requirements,  you get to fill out your appropriate state's form to get that money back and to halt any new deductions.  This is great news because my husband's home state is Texas which means no state tax!  I figure they will tax the tax refund so it's less than I'll have put in.  Whatever happened to no double taxation??

I was happy nonetheless so if you are in the military, check it out by visiting your state's tax page or check it here:

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