
Bloganthropy Valentines for Veterans Project: Leave a Comment Please

Valentine's for Veterans is a great project to boost morale of Veterans during National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans Week (February 7-13).  Bloganthropy has this great project for bloggers to spread the word about Sew Much Comfort, Dollar Days and wounded veterans.

Being a military wife, I fully support this project and hope others will too!  My husband deploys to Kuwait in May and I sympathize with all the other military families enduring wounds and deaths overseas.

Sew Much Comfort ( provides adaptive clothing at no cost to support the unique needs of our injured service members from all branches of the military and national guard. This clothing fits around medical devices and prosthetics and gives the service member and medical personnel ready access to injured areas. The adapted clothing allows injured service members to have their clothing appear the same as normal civilian attire; an attribute which helps facilitate a more natural and comfortable recovery. Without adaptive clothing the only option for the service member is a hospital gown.

Through the volunteer efforts of seamstresses and donations of money, clothing and fabric, Sew Much Comfort has been able to provide over 75,000 pieces of adaptive clothing and comfort.

If you would like to help out, there are a few ways:
  • If you have a blog, sign up to join in by clicking HERE.
  • Donate clothing or financially by going to Sew Much Comfort for a list of needed items.   Sew Much Comfort specifically would love to receive t-shirts, long sleeve t-shirt or sweat shirts with logos of local sports teams in any area of the United States (size large is most needed). The wounded soldiers love having sport themed clothing but it is hard to get unless you live in that state.
  • Comment as every post that has 10 comments, Dollar Days will donate another $50!  Dollar Days will donate $50 for every post!
Dollar Days ( is providing clothing worth thousands of dollars in retail to Sew Much Comfort in honor of the National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans Week. What a great thing for both Dollar Days and Sew Much Comfort is doing to help our wounded heros!  Thank you!

In Canada?  Not to worry: 

Canada also salutes its veterans on Valentine's Day and has some great tips for making Valentines for Veterans:
I'm going to have my six year old make Valentine's Day cards for our local VA Hospital (Charlie Norwood VA).  It's a good facility that my dad went to while visiting this summer.  Stay tuned for pictures!

In the meantime, please comment to help raise another $50!

Youthful Tips


  1. Hey this is a really good idea. Is this the place we are supposed to comment? I'll have to round up some sweatshirts. I'm from Massachusetts and we have some great teams; the Patriots, Celtics and Red Soxs. Doesn't get better that.

    arobimom at gmail dot com

  2. I'm also making Valentine's for veteran's cards. I'm excited. A great project!

  3. This is a great idea. If I could sew, I'd definitely help out.

  4. Excellent idea! Thanks for helping!

  5. great project! Thanks for all your family does for our protection.

  6. Great project for a great cause !

  7. Isn't this a wonderful way to get the word out about Sew Much Comfort and to let all the Vets know how much we love them!

    Jayn Roush

  8. I'd never heard of this before! That's great!

  9. This is an amazing program. It would be great to host a clothing drive for them amongst our friends.


Thank you!