
Simplify My Life Sweepstakes: Enter to Win by Commenting!

Today's world has almost mandated a need to be overbooked and overworked.  Whether you are juggling work, home and kids out of necessity or you have a desire for the finer things and will make the sacrifice, we all could use a little help organizing.  When HP and Windows 7 sponsored a Mom Blogger Club's challenge for a chance to win a HP Mini 110, I couldn't resist the challenge.  When I'm not on my desktop, I'm using a really slow dinosaur of a computer that isn't only frustrating but time consuming. 

The new HP Mini 110 is lightweight at only 3.22 pounds and has a full sized keyboard and 11.6" HD screen.  Having Windows® 7 installed is another huge bonus.  If I were to win this great lightweight powerhouse of a laptop, here are some of the ways it will help simplify my life:
  1. Portability - The HP Mini 110 is so lightweight that I would have the ability to create medical record journals from Excel for my two chronically ill children.  Due to the newness of both of their medical conditions, the specialists have requested journals to record symptoms associated with their asthma/allergies for the two year old and Epilepsy for the six year old.  Since the HP Mini 110 is so light, I can carry the laptop to the doctor's office for real time access to their journals and any other notes I made.  This will be a great way to organize all of our medical records to include prescription medications as we have three daily meds at the moment to track and refill.
  2. Organization - Another great feature of Windows® 7 is the desktop Outlook gadget for upcoming appointments.  While in the doctor's office, I can immediately check my availability and record new appointments.  The appointment's feature can also be set up to remind me of important events like birthdays so I'll never forget.  This is a great time saver and will assist in organizing my life.
  3. Kid Control - Having two young kids, not to mention, five in the house, one television is never enough given the demands and desires of each child.  Add in a Playstation and a Wii system and there is even more demand for the television.  The new version of Windows® 7 Media Center allows you to hook up a TV tuner and either they can watch something else or I can watch a relaxing show somewhere else.  Even if I don't get a TV tuner, I can opt to use internet TV which is another great feature of Windows® Media Center.  No drama, no fighting and an easy way to make life a little bit easier.
  4. The new Windows® 7 also offers Remote Media Streaming.  This is a great feature that gives you access to your main PC to show off those pictures and videos you have saved.  No more bulky photo albums to carry around, no worries if you didn't download a particulare one or even if you need something for work, it's all accessible now.  This is also going to be a great feature as my husband will be deployed to Kuwait in May and we'll be able to stream all the pictures and videos to him across the internet with no issues of sending e-mails too large for attachments and slow download speeds.  This will definitely streamline both of our time online.
  5. Time Saver - Multi-tasking is the name of the game at least for me.  I am constantly working on several projects whether it's something for my girls, the historical novel I'm writing or my blogging, I usually have many windows opened which can slow me down at times.  Windows® 7 has this great feature of taskbars with views.  The thumbnail previews allows quick views of what I want so I can toggle quickly between my applications.  Pinning is another feature that will speed up my online time to free up my time for other activities.  Pinning allows for one click access to programs that I use a lot.  It may not seem to be a big deal but if you have a fast, efficient computer, you can accomplish a lot in a five minute window.
Whether it's organizing all medical records into one location for portability and access at doctor's office or accessing all special events and doctor's appointments, the efficiencies gained with quick access, less paper trails and accurate records will allow for more efficiencies.  The new Windows Media Center and taskbar views and streaming pictures and videos equates to less time online which means more time for other activities.  The HP Mini 110 has almost endless possibilities for simplifying the life of anyone but especially for this full time working, mother of five, Army wife.

Write a comment to this for your own chance to win your own HP Mini 110-1100 by Studio Tord Boontje PCs!  Thanks to HP, Windows® 7 and Mom Blogger Club will also be giving away three to readers who leave a comment on entrants' sweepstakes posts.  Winners will be announced January 29, 2010.

Follow Dara Torres (watch clip below to see how Dara uses her Mini) and HP on Twitter and become Facebook fans of Dara, HP and Windows® 7 for more promotions and news!

Youthful Tips


  1. Wow. I've wanted one of these for ages. The things technology is coming up with lately!

    the.mistress.kay at

  2. This looks like an awesome mini computer!

  3. I have been working on health information systems in developing countries for some time and it is interesting that a lot of your principles are the same as what I have been proposing to resource poor countries. The ideas of keeping things simple, incremental development, local use of data, minimal data set, appropriate technology and of course data standards and interoperability.

  4. I have to do a lot of traveling and I use a friend's extra laptop while I'm on the road. It would be great if I didn't have to use his and didn't have to carry such a big thing through airport security!

  5. This would be really awesome to have! I run a small in home daycare and it would make it much more convenient when I am on the go to have this handy! Then I could store all of my children's info on the laptop and not have to worry about their folders, plus it's more green! :) Jenprincess88 at aol dot com

  6. Something this small would be really convenient for me since I need a computer for work and it is light enough to take on the bus which I use to commute every day. I could check e-mails & bills on my commute. My old laptop was actually stolen recently so I would love a new one! Good luck!

  7. Between the kids, dog, work, family, and all those fun surprizes life throws at you, I like anything that will simplify my life! Hey read some of the above posts and some of you are just doing some awesome things with your time.

    arobimom at gmail dot com

  8. The HP Mini looks amazing! I hope one of you get to win it! In today's world, you almost NEED one to stay afloat of everything! Good luck to all!

  9. This would make my life a lot simpler, I could work even when I am waiting for my kids to finish piano or dance lessons.

    ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

  10. I would like to have a small computer like this to be able to take anywhere for everyday tasks.

  11. I would love to have this

  12. I'm in!

  13. I'd love to have one of these to take to the kitchen or bedroom with me. It would be great when I had a recipe from the net that I'd like to try.

  14. The size and weight of the HP Mini 110-1100 would make it perfect for on-the-go computing. I would also be able to easily take it around the house and out to the back yard.

  15. I think this sounds perfect for having around the house and toting anywhere!

  16. OH the possibilities! I would really LOVE to win the HP Mini 110. My life needs to be organized and I would love a gadget like this to help me in my quest to become more organized and connected in the New Year. Please, count me in for a chance to win. Thank you.

  17. I would love to win this mini. It would definitley help organize and simplify my life.
    deanenpr at

  18. I would really like to win an Hp mini. I am in need of the mobility and too be honest, I'm an XP user but Windows 7 has peaked my interest with the TV tuner...

  19. I could really use one of these too. Portable and with some great extras! Good luck to you!

  20. I would love an HP mini! It would definitely simplify my life!

  21. Man my life could use some simplifying! I would love to be able to write my blog posts on the go or during lunch breaks. Now if the HP Mini 110 could help me get my daughter to sleep through the night, I would be in LOVE (even more!)

  22. I entered also. It would simplify my life by helping me get organized! Wishing you luck... and hoping for some luck myself!

  23. I'd love to win one of these. The compact size & convenience will come in very handy when I'm traveling. The mini is also so light that I can carry it with me all the time to take advantage of some of the WiFi networks out there.

    Thanks ~ megalon22 at yahoo dot com

  24. Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm following you now. Love all the info you provide!

  25. Wow, this is an amazing giveaway! I use a Mac right now, but it would be easier to blog with a PC! Thanks!


Thank you!