
Organic Pharmacy Green Coffee Proprietary Massage Treatment

If you read my blog, you might have seen that I post frequently about the Organic Pharmacy because I truly like their products.   Based out of London, the Organic Pharmacy is the most respected and trusted organic personal care company in the UK.  They have an almost endless supply of organic products to keep you healthy, keep you looking good and beautiful.

The latest product they are offering is green coffee, not in a cup but in a new proprietary massage treatment focused on firming, draining and breaking down fat cells to reduce the appearance of cellulite -- The Green Coffee Body Sculpting Treatment.

Here’s how it works:

  • Lower half of body is dry brushed to stimulate circulation and allow the oils, with their active ingredients to be absorbed.
  • The body is then massaged with Green Coffee and Chili Oil. In addition to green coffee, key ingredients include:
    • Chili, to increase the flow of blood by “heating” the skin. The extra heat enhances the effects of the stimulating green coffee for better circulation and eliminate of fats, excess fluids and toxins.
    • Juniper, for its decongestant, diuretic and detoxifying properties.
    • Grapefruit, an excellent lymph stimulant that helps eliminate waste by removing excess water from the body and the skin.
  • Next, the body is massaged with Body Sculpting Gel. Key ingredients include:
    • Mountain Ash, to improve the tone of veins and help flush out excess water around the cells.
    • Linseed Polyholosides, to redefine, lift, firm and plump skin from within by stimulating collagen.
    • Fig, with lipolytic action to reduce the size of fatty cells.
    • Horse Chestnut, to improve circulation and Menthol from mint leaves to constrict the blood vessels and drain. These botanicals continue to work even after they have been applied.
  • At the end of the treatment, the client, now relaxed and feeling lighter, is offered a drink of water with an all-natural anti-cellulite tincture (garcinia, gurana, horsechestnut, gotu kola, dandelion and bladderwrack).
  • Products contain no artificial preservatives, fragrances, colorants, petrochemicals or animal ingredients and are never tested on animals.
Watch a real treatment:

The treatment, recommended at least 5-6 times for the best results, is priced at $100 (per treatment) and is available at The Organic Pharmacy, 453 N. Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, CA and soon to be available in New York.

I wished they had one closer to me or I lived in California.

Anyone try it yet?

Click HERE to see my review of the Organic Pharmacy's Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex.

Click HERE to see my review on the Organic Pharmacy's Carrot Butter.

Click HERE to see April's review on the Organic Pharmacy's Glam Cosmetics.

*Disclaimer:  I have not reviewed the Organic Pharmacy Green Coffee Proprietary Massage Treatment nor was I compensated in any way for this post.

Youthful Tips


  1. I've never heard of Organic Pharmacy before, but I love using organic products so I'll have to check them out!

  2. JoAnn Brightman (jopb)January 27, 2012 at 10:14 PM

    Green coffee massage sound intriguing

  3. If I lived in L.A., I would be all over this! This sounds amazing... and I like the use of Chili powder to get a heating effect & enhance the green coffee. It seems awfully pricey, but if it makes you feel better & look better... it's worth it! I have never heard of The Organic Pharmacy before, but I am interested in checking them out online more. Thank you for this well laid out review :)



Thank you!