
New Year, New You: Getting in Shape for 2010 With Free Tools

I have a goal and although it might seem a little backwards but I want to get in shape before my husband's deployment to Kuwait in May.  I figured better late than never and I want to ensure that my health is top notch for the sake of my children.  I started a fitness challenge this past November with two other fabulous mommy bloggers, Colleen and MaryAnn, who have turned into my inspiration as they have lost combined over 14 pounds!  We decided to carry it over to the new year to keep on going which I can't be more excited as both of these women have children and busy lives but both are in the same boat as me so they do in fact, challenge and motivate me.

If you are ready to jump on board the get-in-shape band wagon, it's easy to do once you commit yourself but only you can decide if you are ready.   One area I always fail at is I want it gone yesterday so I always set up unrealistic goals but this time with the help of a calculator (see below), I will lose the weight sensibly to ensure added success.  One thing I read from Jillian Michaels' today is it's a new year which means a new you.  Don't bring the negativity and disappointment of your weight into this year as that's the old year.  She, of course, is right.  You have to remove the negative thoughts and self-images you have to be successful and I truly believe that when you picture yourself at the weight you want to be, it is a motivator.  I've tried diet after diet and spent tons of money on each one with the same outcome of being overweight as I'm a stress eater.  I'm learning to get that in order but it's not an overnight task to beat.

If you are ready, check out these great tools:

Free online journal and calorie counter:  This site has the following free (and paid if you want) tools:
  • Food and Fitness Journal
  • Weight Tracker Dashboard
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Exercise and Activity
  • Forums
  • Personal Coaching
  • Food and Fitness Tips
  • Meal Planner Setup Tool
Another great benefit of Everyday Health's weight management tool is the ability to set up a network of friends and family.  I'm listed as "youthfultips" if anyone wants to join up!

This weight loss calculator from FitWatch provides you the number of calories you need a day to reach your goal by entering your current information and desired goal weight.  It's a very realistic way to plan to lose the weight you want and stay in shape.

I'm also listening and reading a few books to better understand nutrition which I will review and provide any tips at a later date.  Those books include:
  • Prime Time Health by William Sears, M.D.
  • Eat for Your Health by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
  • The Seven Pillars of Health by Don Colbort, M.D.

I'm also waiting on my EA Sports Active to arrive.  Thanks to Mommy blogger Colleen and TwitterMoms, I was turned on to EA Sports Active as a great tool to also provide the activity I need to get in shape.  More information will follow on that once I receive it but you can see my post that I previously wrote here.

Youthful Tips

1 comment:

  1. looking forward to getting fit with you and both having a great new years and new you!

    check out book blogs and see if they have the totally toned arms book still available for review I just read that one and think it will come in handy.


Thank you!