
Little Black Ant on Park Street by Janet Halfmann Book Review

I had the great pleasure of reading a complimentary copy of one of Janet Halfmann's other books titled Little Skink's Tail and was pleased to be able to review a complimentary copy provided by Janet of her latest book titled Little Black Ant on Park Street

Janet is an award winning author of children's books.  With over 30 books to her name, she has an entertaining way of combining educational facts into captivating stories for children.  She pens both fiction and non-fiction to include non-fiction for older children. 

To see a complete collection or to learn more about Janet and her collection of books, visit her home page here.

Product Details:

  • Reading level: Ages 4-8
  • Hardcover & Softcover 
  • Publisher: Soundprints; Har/Com edition (January 31, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1607270056
  • ISBN-13: 978-1607270058
Little Black Ant on Park Street is a fact filled story of the life of an ant and how an ant is able to find her way back to the colony.  Janet provides the little reader with a glimpse of what it's like being an ant from searching for food, communicating with one another and how they sense their way around.  The story provides an educational aspect while offering an entertaining story of the main character.

I think it's a wonderful book for those children that like to understand more about biology and especially bugs.  Janet does a superb job in the details of an ant's life while maintaining a fun character for children to get to know.  The back of the book includes more information about ants, a glossary and points of interests.

The illustrations by Kathleen Rietz are beautiful and vibrant and add to the quality of the story.  Simple things such as incorporating the ants retrieval of nectar from aphids is a wonderful way to teach children more about ants.  Little Black Ant on Park Street is part of Soundprints: Smithsonian Institute and was just released this January. 

There are other items you can purchase to enhance the learning value of Little Black Ant on Park Street such as a 6" Little Black Ant toy, hardcover book with CD, a micro book and 6" toy, a micro hardcover book, a paperback book or a paperback book with CD.  For more information, go here

I would recommend this book to any child who enjoys nature, bugs or is just curious to learn more.  The book's ability to combine an educational aspect with entertainment is something I look for when reading to my children.  My six year old enjoyed the story of Little Black Ant.

Catch a glimpse at news, press and activities by Janet by clicking here or follow her on Twitter and become a fan of her on Facebook.

Youthful Tips


  1. Thanks for spotlighting the book on your site! I am excited about its final release! Hope many children love it.

  2. Thanks so much for your great review of Little Black Ant on Park Street. I'm so happy your six-year-old enjoyed the book.


Thank you!