
Kindergarten Fast Tracked to College

I know I'm older now, 41 to be exact, and I'm restarting this whole kid thing with having my oldest at 21 but I had no idea how much changed in school from 15 year's ago.  Before she started, I taught her how to write her name, tie her shoes, count to 100 and many other things and she was considered advanced.  I neglected (for many reasons) doing the same with my now six year old thinking it would all be taught when she got to school.  I had no idea!

Due to her epilepsy that started right before she started school last year, trying to get the medication adjusted and sorting out issues with her then father as my husband adopted her in October, she ended up repeating kindergarten this year.  I didn't have to make her do that but thought it was in her best interest in doing so.  The teacher she has this year has her students writing journals in full sentences, reading books and so much more!  I can't imagine being in kindergarten and being able to read and write by Christmas.  Times have changed so much!

I've written past posts about tips I use to help her learn and I'll repeat a couple of those tips:
  1. Post It Notes has the Sight Words available which are a blessing.  I stick them up on the windows we have dividing our kitchen and sunroom and they are always there as constant reminders to study and practice.
  2. Magnetic boards are great to track bonus calendar days.  Every night she does "extra" homework or practice, she gets a smily face.  At the end of the week, she can trade those in for a little surprise.  It's motivational for her and fun.
  3. LoveTwoTeach has a great blog of resources that I use to print off activities and fun projects.
  4. KinderTeacher is another site I utilize for extra work.
  5. She was needing help in math so I found this site that has great practice activities online which she loves:
  6. Wii has a game called Big Brain Academy that I might try out since she's into our Wii console.  You can see a clip here:
She's also into drawing and is very creative so I had her write her own book that was published (widget on left side of blog).  She told me the story, I modified to make it run together smoothly and she drew the pictures.  She took so much pride in it that she wrote several more but I haven't put them together to publish it yet. 

There are so many creative ways to help your child learn and encourage creativity.  I only hope the schools don't push too hard, too fast and take the fun out of being a child.  I always tease my oldest that I had no idea that I had to prep her for med school.

Any other tips out there for creativity?

Youthful Tips

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