
What are your five tips & tricks for getting your kids to bed on time and getting them to stay in bed?

Getting two children to sleep at the ages of 2 and 6 can be very difficult.  When one gets up, the other wants to get up.  When one yells out for "mom," the other yells for mom.  It can be a daunting task at times!  TwitterMoms and St. Eve Kids have asked bloggers this question with a great link to

My routine is simple:
  • Make sure they have full tummies!  Nothing worse than a grumbly tummy!  My girls will not sleep if they are hungry so if we had an early dinner, I'll make sure they get a light snack.
  • I give them a bath that not only gives them the great aroma of lavendar but it also allows them to get some extra play time in.
  • Dressing them in warm jammies is a big key to keep them sleeping.  If they get cold, they will wak up.  Footy pajamas are the best since neither one will keep a blanket on them.
  • Bed time isn't complete without a good bedtime story.  I let the girls pick from the library of books they have and I read to them.
  • Finally, a night light is used to give them just enough light to not be scared.
It doesn't always work but most of the time it does.  Sometimes they still need mommy time and I have to stay with them until they fall asleep.  Who doesn't mind a little extra cuddly time anyway?

Have any great tips or routines, enter yourself at or go to

Youthful Tips

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