
SheSpeaks and CharityWater.Org: Clean Water Campaign

Clean water is a women’s issue. Women and children bear the brunt of this problem wasting hours each day walking up to 30 miles to find somewhat clean water. Young girls drop out of school since they need to spend daylight hours walking to find and haul water. But, clean water is there. It’s just buried deep in the ground. To access it, drills and wells have to be built. That’s where charity: water comes in. charity: water is a non-profit organization that was developed to help provide the resources needed to drill and build wells.

This year SheSpeaks has decided to engage our community in an effort to help raise awareness about this important cause. Every mention and dollar helps. charity: water gives 100% of the money raised directly to project costs, funding sustainable clean water solutions in areas of greatest need. 

Want to help:
  • Participate in the SheSpeaks campagin, click HERE.
  • Contribute to with a financial donation by clicking HERE.
  • Visit to learn more!
SheSpeak's Goal:

Our goal is to raise awareness and some much needed funding for charity: water. Every dollar counts. It costs $5,000 to drill and build a well in a village that will provide clean drinking water to 400 people for 20 years! We’d like to see our collective efforts raise at least $5,000 for the cause. You can track our progress at


ALMOST 1 BILLION PEOPLE ON THE PLANET DON’T HAVE ACCESS TO CLEAN, SAFE DRINKING WATER. charity: water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. Since the inception in August 2006, charity: water has funded over 1,549 freshwater projects in 16 different countries, serving over 820,675 people.

Just $20 can give one person clean, safe drinking water for 20 years.

100% of public donations to to water projects.

Youthful Tips

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