
Virtual Step Up and Get Fit Challenge Update

The challenge is on and after only
MaryAnn has lost 5.4 pounds!

Great job, MaryAnn! 

Colleen lost 1.5 pounds!!! 

Great job, Colleen!

Carrie lost 2.8 pounds!!!

Great Job, Carrie!

I've lost ..... 0!!!! Shame on me!  I was wrong!  I lost 2 pounds!

11.7 Pounds in ONE week total!

Give some support and look at the participant's blog: <-- MaryAnn <-- Colleen
The princess and the monkey <-- Colleen

Keep up the great work and you have a lot of time to be the ultimate winner!

Next week is prize day!  Submit your weigh in on Monday and the biggest loser wins!

Other participants have a blog?  Send it to me!

Didn't sign up and still want to, it's not too late!  Join us!

Youthful Tips


  1. dont you said takes time to show some results! The hardest part is that committment, and if you are like me and see that challenge you will want to step it up more...and will think twice about those cookies the kids are eating...or just work out a little more to enjoy that cookie lol! Lots of luck...and dont give up! Thanks for the support this week!

  2. Thanks Colleen! I always need encouragement that's why you great ladies are going to us all there! Yeah!


Thank you!