
Enter Your Dove UPCs & Dove Will Give $1 & A Chance to Win a Gift Pack from the Dove Self-Esteem Fund 12/15 WINNER ANNOUNCED


happi shopr

I took the comments from the posts and inserted them into the spreadsheet based on date and time to ensure they were all in order.  From that, I verified the winners met the requirements and used to pick the winner.

An e-mail has been sent to happi shopr and she has 48 hours to respond before I pick a new winner from the next generator.

Thanks to all those that entered and watch for more giveaways!

Preface:  You can jump to the bottom to read how you can help but you have to hurry as the offer ends 12/15/09.

I don't know about you but I really get tired of seeing "beautiful" women as deemed by others bombarding my television shows, movies, advertisements and so forth.  I think it's reckless to both women and men and especially girls.  This unhealthy cramming of media socially-defined image of perfection is not healthy nor ideal.  When I started seeing the commercials from Dove that actually showed imperfect or as I would say, normal women, I was beyond happy!  I'm not so much of a prude but I am tired of seeing all that is portrayed today and can't help but wonder why any researcher is puzzled over the growing number of eating disorders among the very young and women in their 30's, 40's and 50's. 

When I was asked to participate in spreading the word on the Dove Self-Esteem Fund (DSEF), I jumped!  I have three girls at home and a step daughter that need all the self-esteem they can get.  Come to think of it, I can too!  DSEF was established as an agent of change to inspire and educate girls and young women about a wider definition of beauty. The DSEF is committed to help girls build positive self-esteem and a healthy body image, with a goal of reaching 5 million girls globally by 2010. It has already reached 2 million young women.  You can watch videos on how some girl's lives have already been impacted HERE.

I love the concept of this program and only think that nothing but positive will come out of it.  The Dove Self-Esteem Fund is not just focusing on the US but it's a global effort designed to widen today’s stereotypical view of beauty.  

For example:
  • In the U.S., the DSEF supports the Boys and Girls Club of America and the Girls Scouts of the USA to help build confidence in girls 8-17 with after-school programs, self-esteem building events and educational resources.
  • In the United Kingdom and other countries, the Fund supports Body Talk, an educational program about body image and self-esteem in schools. Since 2006, the Dove brand has conducted nearly 2,700 self-esteem educational workshops around the world.
Real Girls, Real Pressure: A National Report on the State of Self-Esteem, commissioned by the Dove® Self-Esteem Fund, reveals that there is a self-esteem crisis in this country that pervades every aspect of a girl’s life including her looks, performance in school and relationships with friends and family members.

  • Seven in ten girls believe they are not good enough or do not measure up in some way, including their looks, performance in school and relationships with friends and family members.
  • 62% of all girls feel insecure or not sure of themselves.
  • 57% of all girls have a mother who criticizes her own looks.
  • More than half (57%) of all girls say they don’t always tell their parents certain things about them because they don’t want them to think badly of them.
  • The top wish among all girls is for their parents to communicate better with them which includes more frequent and more open conversations as well as discussions about what is happening in their own lives.
Go HERE to find ways to help redefine beauty within yourself, your loved one or anyone!

Here is how you can help, enter your Dove UPC and they will donate $1 to inspiring
self-esteem projects.  Hurry as it ends December 15, 2009.

The Giveaway:

One lucky reader will get two "True You" workbooks, a plush terrycloth spa robe plus two Dove products!  I absolutely love this project and very grateful to Dove and Victoria from RocketXL for including me!

To Enter:

Follow my blog!

Leave a separate comment for each one in the form below and don't forget to include your e-mail.

Extra Entries (worth two extra entries):
  • Enter a UPC (can be done more than once)
  • Become a fan on Facebook to get more updates.
  • Follow me on Twitter
  • Vote for me on Divine Caroline (widget on left side of blog)
  • Tweet about this giveaway (can be done daily)
  • Blog about this giveaway
  • Enter any of my other giveaways
  • Subscribe to my blog

Giveaway ends 12/15 at midnight.  Winner will be chosen by

Thank you and good luck!  Get those UPC's!

* I was not financially compensated for posting this entry.

Youthful Tips


  1. Great Giveaway :)

    ktgonyea at

  2. I follow your blog. Awesome giveaway.


  3. I follow your blog.

  4. Count me in for 12/06/09 :)

    ktgonyea at

  5. I follow your blog. Thanks for the chance.
    earmstrong at hughes dot net

  6. I follow your blog. And would love to win!

  7. I am a fan of Dove via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


  8. I have also entered the Head Organics Giveaway.


  9. I'm following your blog, thanks!

  10. google friend follower-packerfantimmy

  11. mailing list subscriber-titletowntreasures(AT)yahoo(DOT)com

  12. dove facebook fan-tim hughes


Thank you!