
Children's Defense Fund Stroller Brigade

Join the Children's Defense Fund In Standing Together for Children: Congress is debating health reform legislation that could leave millions of children worse rather than better off and fails to fix bureaucratic, unfair barriers to care. This must be changed now!

What We Are Demanding: Congress and the President must support changes that provide comprehensive, affordable, accessible care for all children no matter where they live. Changes must build on what works in the system and fix what doesn’t work for children now.

Actions You Can Take:

Join children, parents, grandparents and champions for children in a "stroll" to the Nation's Capitol on November 4 or join stroller brigades in cities across the country November 5 through 8 to ensure that our children are not left behind in health care reform. Can't join a stroller brigade in-person? You can also participate in our Virtual Stroller Brigade!

Important Dates and Links: Blogger Press Conference:
You are invited to participate in a Blogger Press Conference on Twitter this Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. EST for the Children's Defense Fund Stroller Brigade campaign. MaryLee Allen, Director, Child Welfare & Mental Health will be available to discuss health reform for children, the Stroller Brigade, and any questions bloggers have regarding what the Children's Defense Fund works towards in terms of the health and well being of children.
To RSVP for this event, please go to:

You do not have to RSVP to participate. Please follow your moderator, @ResourcefulMom, Director MaryLee Allen, @ChildDefender, and tweet with the hashtag #strollerbrigade


Youthful Tips

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Judy -- I LOVE that you're getting the word out about this fabulous organization and this MUCH needed action to protect our children's health. Love me some Children's Defense Fund!!


Thank you!