
Biggest Loser Almost Wrapping Up Another Season & Colts Won Again!

My vice is The Biggest Loser so it's the only thing I tune into on a regular basis other than watching the Indianapolis Colts play (Go Peyton!).  Our TV usually blares episodes of Sponge Bob, Kai Lan, Wuzby and whoever else it is that I can't recall.  I love the coaches and love how they play good cop/bad cop with the contestants.  Jillian needs to be my coach to help me lose weight!  She's a lean, mean, fighting machine!

This past week's Biggest Loser was make over week so it was a little boring but great to see these contestants go from being overly obese to WOW!  Last season, my favorate was Tara and I'm favoring Alan since my favorite, Abby was eliminated.  If you ever need a good cry or need to feel blessed for what you have, go to the Biggest Loser page and look up Abby's story.

My own fitness challenge has three people but these two ladies that joined me are amazing!  They have already lost weight since we started and are my inspiration!  Way to go ladies!

If you missed The Biggest Loser and need a kick start motivator, check out the make over pics here.

Forgot to mention, my Colts won!  Go Peyton!!!  I'll always be a Hoosier at heart!


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