
Once in a Blue Moon by Eileen Goudge Book Review

Once in a Blue Moon by Eileen Goudge
Book Review

Product Details

  • Hardcover: 336 pages
  • Publisher: Vanguard Press (October 6, 2009)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1593155344
  • ISBN-13: 978-1593155346

One2One provided the opportunity to read Once in a Blue Moon by Eileen Goudge which was officially released today.  I would normally not be drawn to the book due to the cover as it had the appearance of a romance novel which I don't normally prefer to read.  Although the cover had the appearance of that genre, it was tastefully done but then I like blue, darker colors. 

From Ms. Goudge's website for Once in a Blue Moon:

"Set in a fictional coastal town in Northern California, where I grew up, it's the story of two sisters separated at a young age, who reunite in adulthood. There's drama aplenty as well as mishaps, misunderstandings and general mayhem. Not to mention romance, which the sisters find in the unlikeliest of places."

I found the book interesting and the descriptions of the characters was excellent.  It was easy to sympathize and find common ground with the details surrounding the sisters and the pain they endured.  I ended up experiencing a sadness early on while reading it because it was very convincing. 

The saga continues with the one unfortunate sister, Kerrie Ann, continuing down a hard path while the other one, Lindsay, fairs better.  It seems to be a continuing theme with siblings and how one usually gets a break while the other doesn't.  It's an unfortunate story that invokes many emotions.  They are finally reunited and the saga continues with the ups and downs and  relationships the two endure.  I don't feel too much can be divulged by the review without giving away the end.  If you want to know what happens, read it!  If you like this type of novel, you will most likely love it.

Ms. Goudge does a superb job with describing scenes, situations, emotions and other characters.  The author was able to tap into the personal side by providing enough insight of the characters to make it come alive.  The real life drama is one in which many readers will be able to relate to. 

If you are not familar with Ms. Goudge's books, visit her website for a list of books and descriptions.  Once in a Blue Moon is Ms. Goudge's 13th book and was dedicated to her sister

There is also an excerpt of the Once in a Blue Moon here.

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