
Finding Purpose Beyond Our Pain by Paul Meier & David Henderson Book Review

Finding Purpose Beyond Our Pain
Uncover the Hidden Potential in Life's Most Common Struggles
By Paul Meier M.D. and David Livingstone Henderson M.D.

Product Details:

  • Hardcover: 304 pages
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson (November 3, 2009)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0785229221
  • ISBN-13: 978-0785229223
This book, by two psychologists, take on the topic of finding purpose in our pain by not only utilizing their skillsets as practicing professionals but also by turning to God for comfort.  Their practices are not only based on educational scripts and professional experience but also on taking the Bible, embracing God and understanding pain.

They take our most common life challenges and help the reader to understand how to cope:
  1. Injustice
  2. Rejection
  3. Loneliness
  4. Loss
  5. Discipline
  6. Failure
  7. Death
They use practicum experiences, personal experiences and scripture to assist the reader in understanding pain, how to deal with pain and how to overcome pain.  Although the message may not be different from other like books, I found it a great way to connect to the reader and how psychologists could utilize more Biblical teachings and faith to overcome many of life's issues. 

I particularly liked reading the personal experiences such as the one doctor's story of the passing of his ready mother's desire to go home to heaven.  He prayed at the final moment wishing her to awake from her coma to say his final goodbye.  The story was truly touching and exemplified the power of faith and prayer.

This book is good for anyone but particularly, those that are new in finding their faith, those that have doubts in faith and those struggling to overcome any type of pain.  It is well written and easy to understand. It's not overly done in scriptures to where the average person can easily understand while provoking a desire to become a Christian or better yet, a greater Christian.  This is a book that I will retain and read again as well as give as a gift.

This book is available at Amazon:

*I was not paid to provide this review.  I was provided this book by Thomas Nelson in exchange for a personal review.

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