
YouthfulTips Step Up to Slim Down Virtual Challenge It's On

Latest Update:

If you plan to participate in the New Year's Challenge, please send me an e-mail or comment below that you are ready to begin November 1st.

There is still time if you want to join as long as you realize you will have less time to lose but join if nothing else for the motivation!

Need help and encouragement to finally get into shape?

Tired of being tired and not feeling great?

Are you ready for a new you?

Why wait until January 1st for yet another failed New Year's resolution?

How about breaking tradition and why not GET IN SHAPE BEFORE January 1st and start the year off great?

If you are like me, you always cringe with the holidays or in my case, all the Army balls coming.  You use food for comfort and then immediately it becomes your enemy.  Whether you are a military spouse coping with a deployment as I just did or if you are just a fellow struggler, let's get motivated!  It's a sordid affair with food but join me and others as we step up to a challenge beginning November 1st to be in shape or at least healthier by January 1st!

Look for great sponsor gifts and rewards in the Step Up to Slim Down Virtual Challenge.

Leave a comment that you want to be a part of this exciting opportunity.

If you would like to sponsor this Step Up to Slim Down Virtual Challenge, please contact me at

This is what's up for grabs so far:


Watch for more products to be added!

Sign up today!

To enter the weight loss challenge, please follow the rules:

Starting November 1, 2009 and every week after, leave a comment (and be honest) with your weight.  On the initial entry, leave your height so we can determine the greatest percentage lost. If you want to add extra validity to your entry, feel free to send a picture and I'll post with your permission.

On January 4, 2010, leave your final weight entry and the person with the greatest weight loss will win!   If I get more sponsors, I'll divide out the giveaway to the first, second and so forth pending the results of the sponsorship.

Game on starting tomorrow for me!

I have confirmation from Colleen & Jillian!

Note:  I am not responsible for any product's claim or any possible reported adverse events.  I am not responsible for any injuries sustained in this giveaway.


  1. good luck with your challenge, I have one on my blog that started last Friday...have fun!!!

  2. I'd love to be part of the challenge!

  3. I would love to be part of the challenge...I was doing great, but have slowed down this summer and want to fall into gear again!

  4. I would like to be a part of the challenge as well!

  5. I can not wait to be part of this challenge!


Thank you!