
Voices of the Faithful Book Review

Compiled and monthly introductions by Kim P. Davis and series creator and introduction by Beth Moore.

I had the fortunate opportunity from Thomas Nelson Books to read Voices of the Faithful Book Two: Inspiring Stories of Courage from Christians Serving Around the World compiled and monthly introductions by Kim P. Davis and series creator and introduction by Beth Moore.

Each day provided a new prayer and a devotional reading as told by various missionaries around the world.  I liked the concept of the book but would have liked perhaps a lengthier version of each story that was told.  To hold the book to one devotional a day, limited the length and perhaps in some instances, the quality of the message.

Instead of reading this book over the span of days, I would have preferred to devote a day for a couple of the readings to allow it to sink in.  The messages are well written, provided insight into other worlds and gave encouragement to the Christian faith.  It's an excellent resource to see what people endure for the sake of their beliefs and religion.  All the contributers have one goal, one mission which is to share in the teachings of the Christian faith.

I personally feel this is not a book to be taken lightly to read.  I think a good faith is ideal for being able to want to read this book.  It is enlightening but to me, enlightening to the right audience.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a wonderfully insightful book. Thanks for sharing your review.

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