
Take a Vet to School Day & Resources

Anyone ever heard of Take a Veteran to School Day because I haven't and I should considering I'm an Army wife? has a host of information for this day in October to include a school curriculm and planning guides from K through 12th grade.

They include a guide in Spanish, oral history guides, African Americans in WWII and much more.  Not sure if my daughter's school is participating so I just e-mailed the PTO President to find out.

Within the sample lesson plans is a letter written by a Civil War soldier to his mother.   Below is an excerpt of a letter written in 1862 by Union soldier Tilton C. Reynolds to his mother. Reynolds had enlisted as a seventeen-year-old six months earlier, and would serve until the end of the war, despite spending several months in a Confederate jail, a result of being captured a month after writing this letter. Though light and humorous in tone, there seems to be an underlying angst in the words of this young soldier as he prepares to confront a growing Civil War.

Camp near Yorktown, April 16, 1862

Dear Mother

I am going to write a few lines to tell you about a little fun we had about Col Corbet our Lieut Col. When the Regt went out on Picket he was going round to see where the Picket Posts was when he came to the Rebel Picket lines. It being after night he had missed our lines & got too far off. He rode up & asked what Regiment that was & One of them told him It was the 24th Virginia. This Scared Col Corbet Considerable & he turned his horse the other way & Started for the Picket lines of Co. C who was Posted first. The Rebels fired at him Several times but did not hit him. He jumped off his horse when he come to the Co & told them to hold his horse & he took down though the woods toward Camp Double Quick. This is the Story I heard I expect they made It a little worse than It was but he was Badly Scared that I know.

There was a little Scirmish to day that our Artillery had with the Rebels. They killed one of our men & Shot the legs of an other below the knees. I guess the[y] made the Rebels git though. They are trying to Drive them out of their little Batteries & I guess they are doing It. The Adjt & Uncle John is well. I was up to the Adjts office a little while ago he is going to write tomorrow. But I must close this for I have nothing to write about. The mail goes out in the morning. We have no drill any more Excep a little Bayonet Exercise & that is easy work. I am going to draw a new pair of Pants in a few days. Mine is pretty good yet but they are a little too Small & as we are Entitled to new ones I thought I might as well get them. But now I must close. Give my love to all & except my Sincere love for yourself and believe me to be your affectionate Son.
There are many really good historical references so even if your school doesn't participate or if you homeschool, check it out! is also raising awareness on supporting our veterans through many ways:
  • Armed Services YMCA - Supplies vets with access to rehabilitation facilities, job training, and other services.
  • The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund - Dedicated to helping severely injured American veterans and their families.
  • America's VetDogs - Helping those who have served our country honorably to live with dignity and independence whether they are visually impaired or have other special needs, by using guide dogs, service dogs, and innovative technologies

Youthful Tips


  1. popping in from MBC!
    Now following you...

  2. I actually think this is a great idea. I don't think we appreciate folks in the armed forces enough. I mean they really do dedicate their lives to protecting the rest of us, but need to get more credit. I think my kid's school should do this on Veteran's Day.

    arobimom at gmail dot com


Thank you!