
Master Lock Supporting Breast Cancer Lock Review

Master Lock introduces new pink security products in support of Breast Cancer Awareness and I was lucky enough to receive one and post about it via TwitterMoms and Jen.

The lock is cute, yes, I said cute because it's pink!  Everything in pink is cute so I can boast about that.  I think the lock is attractive and after I opened the package, my 21 year old daughter exclaimed she wanted it as she needed one for her work locker.  Yet another opportunity to share Master Locks cause for Breast Cancer Awareness!

If you need a lock, support Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October and Master Lock and purchase one!

Cancer awareness is near and dear to me as I have several family members who have died from it and who have beat it.   Master Lock is a leader in locks and security products and in support of National Breast Cancer Awareness month in October, they have created great looking products to show your pride.   Not only are they promoting awareness but they plan to donate $15,000 to The Breast Cancer Foundation.

The selection is great ranging from various types of locks to bike locks and luggage and backpack locks.

Youthful Tips

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