Embracing a Healthy Family: Gluten Free Betty Crocker® Fruit-Flavored Snacks Gift Pack Review & Giveaway WINNER

Gluten Free Betty Crocker® Fruit-Flavored Snacks Gift Pack Review & Giveaway WINNER


Jinxy and Me!

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Thanks to all those that entered!

With more and more health concerns emerging about gluten-free products, Betty Crocker has answered the demand to offer great choices at affordable prices.  Not only are they answering the demand to add a variety of products to their line up of gluten-free, they have partnered with Celiac Disease Foundation (CDF) to further generate awareness for celiac disease.

Celiac disease, a chronic inherited digestive disorder, can cause damage to the small intestine. It is estimated that one in 133 Americans suffer from celiac disease – 3 million adults and children are living undiagnosed with this autoimmune disorder that is managed by following a gluten-free diet.

Gluten is the natural protein found in wheat, barley and rye.  It is harmful to persons with celiac disease because when they eat gluten, their immune system is triggered and it begins to attack the small intestine. This results in damage to the villi which make up the lining of the small intestine. Villi are necessary for the absorption of nutrients, and over time the damage to the villi can lead to malnutrition.

Celiac disease is a multi-system, multi-symptom autoimmune disorder that affects adults as well as children. Currently, there is no cure for celiac disease, only the lifelong adherence to a gluten-free diet.

To learn more about General Mill's support for celiac disease and all the gluten-free products available, go to GeneralMills.com.

I received from MyBlogSpark a great Simple Joys pack to enjoy with my children.  It included some of the great items I played as a child with my sisters.  The yo-yo lights up and my two year old grabbed it up and said "my yo-yo" and made every attempt to make it go up and down without luck. I was able to see that I still have it when it comes to yo-yo's!

My six year old loves the classsic frisbee so that was a hit but we'll have to wait until tomorrow to try it out in the yard.  It was a pretty color which she also liked.

My six year old never heard of Pick 'em Up Sticks so it was fun teaching her that game as you can see in the picture above, she enjoyed it. 

My 21 year old, yes, I said 21 and my two year old both loved the fruit snacks!  A special bonus was not only did we get Box Tops for Education but there were bonus Box Tops on one of the boxes!

Each snack is made with real fruit and is less than 100 calories.  What a great, healthy treat!  These make great lunch time snacks or before dinner snacks.  One of the snacks, Create a Bug introduces an interesting way to spark kid's attention.  They get to put together a bug out of the different parts.  I'm not how sure it will go over with the girly-girls (like myself) but I have to predict the boys will LOVE it!  They get to play with what looks like bugs, create the bugs using their imagination and finally, they get to eat them!  A boy's dream!

I absolutely love the items I receive from MyBlogSpark since I've been fortunate to try out two prize packs that include fun for my children and now it's your turn!

The Giveaway: 

Your own prize pack of Betty Crocker Variety Pack of Fruit Roll Ups, Betty Crocker Create a Bug Fruit Snacks, a frisbee, a yo-yo and pick up sticks in a handy, wooden carrying box.
  1. Leave a comment on one of your memories from playing any of these games and follow my blog.
Extra Entries (leave a comment for each activity completed):
  1. Subscribe to my blog.
  2. Follow me on Twitter.
  3. Blog about the giveaway.
  4. Tweet about the giveaway.
  5. Leave a comment on another blog and come back here to leave a comment that you did.
Giveaway ends October 25, 2009 at 10:00 pm.

Winner chose by random.org.

Thanks and good luck!

Youthful Tips

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Theresa said...

I love playing with a yo-yo. Its been a long time since I have played with one. LOL!

tfulton0513 at yahoo dot com

Theresa said...

I subscribe

tfulton0513 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I loved tossing the frisbbe to my beloved Dog April, she was the love of my life: I know she's in heaven- she has more of a right to be there than some humans would.writer61@yahoo.com

Michelle AKA blabla3269 said...

we were just on a yo yo kick last summer but remember I loved it as a kid too

Cody said...

I used to yo-yo quite a bit when I was younger.

buzzd said...

I would play frisbee with my dog. She would jump high in the air to get it. I miss her.


I loved the yoyo when I was younger and this was years ago but my brother was playing with it out the side window and it broke off and went under our tire and hit the front grill of the truck behind us and the guy followed us till we stopped then yelled like the dickens at my dad and then my dad was angry as heck the whole day..lucky no windshield was broken but you learn quick in situatios like that and angry people

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, bringing back memories of the laughter and fun playing frisbie in the college quads...hearing my son laugh as he had the "light-up" yo-yo and he learned to do tricks with it and we watched in the dark. Memories of playing pick-up sticks as a child and thinking that dumping them out of the can was as much fun as actually playing...

Amber said...

I used to love playing yo yo even though I was pretty bad at it! My little brother had to give me lessons.
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Gluten Free Dee said...

I loved the intensity of Pick 'em Up Sticks as a kid and still do. I'm happy to see Betty Crocker doing things to help the family. Especially keeping price point down. We're a big market and they are wise to cater to us. We're very loyal!

Gluten Free Dee

Anonymous said...

I love using a yo-yo as a kid! I used to try and do tricks, but they never ended up working right ;) I'd love to try these treats. We have celiac disease in our family, so we have gluten allergies. Thanks!

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I also follow on Twitter (lipstickncandy)

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

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shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

llinda29 said...

We played kick the can

mscoffee77 said...

I love playing frisbee at the beach each year!

Anonymous said...

loved playing with yo yo as a child

degood said...

I remember challenging my sister to a yo yo contest when she was 5 and I was 10 only to find out that she was much better at it than me. I follow as degood


degood said...

I follow on twitter (kmayans)

Anonymous said...

I remember playing pick-up sticks. We spread them all over the kitchen table and didn't want to stop when Mom said it was time for dinner. Thanks for this offer.

sweetsue said...

My family (yes we were weird) used to play Frisbee. If the Frisbee was dropped the person that dropped it had to ride a scooter around the block. We got tons of exercise this way!
smchester at gmail dot com

sweetsue said...

I follow you on Twitter (ptowngirl)
smchester at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Pick-up-stickes was always our favorite. Thanks for this offer.

Anonymous said...

Pick-up-sticks was our favorite. We would play for hours. Thanks for this offer.

Cheryl H said...

I remember playing pick up stix with my grandmother. That's one of my fondest memories.


Anonymous said...

We'd play pick-up-sticks all over the kitchen table until Mom made us stop for meals. Thanks for this offer.

Anonymous said...

Pick-up-sticks was always a favorite game, even if it interfered with meals. Thanks for this offer.

Terra Heck said...

I follow your blog. Pick-up sticks is a classic game that's easy to follow. I enjoyed playing it as a kid. Thanks.

Terra Heck said...

email subscriber

Terra Heck said...

I follow you on Twitter, partymix25.

Anonymous said...

My brother and I had light-up yoyo's when we were young, so much fun. I follow your blog.


The Demille's said...

I grew up playing with all of these, but my most fond memories were with pick up sticks! I LOVED playing with them...and I think it's a great game that teaches you patience!

The Demille's said...

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The Demille's said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/tobinsmommy08/status/4969980313

The Demille's said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/tobinsmommy08/status/5010735501

idahomom said...

Trying to teach my son how to yoyo and him just being too short. We finally put him on the bottom step and he went to town.

Michele said...

Thank you for the giveaway. My favorite memory of playing frisbee is teaching my children.

The Demille's said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/tobinsmommy08/status/5056823283

ky2here said...

Frisbee was always fun - until we started using the frisbee for a certain illegal activity. Oh well.

ky2here said...

Here's a tweet: http://twitter.com/ky2here/status/5076070254

Anonymous said...

loved picked up sticks as a kid! can't wait to play this with my kids.
onecrypticmama AT yahoo DOT com

Kathy said...

Yo-yo's was my fav

Kathy said...

I surbcribe

Angela C said...

I loved pick up sticks, I was horrible at it but I still had fun.
I remember playing it at recess when the weather did not permit us to go outside.

Angela C said...

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Angela C said...

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Angela C said...

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Connie said...

Pick up sticks was a favorite childhood game. It was such fun to see if I could get the high point ones without a wiggle or jiggle.

Anonymous said...

I remember playing pick-up-sticks all over the kitchen table and being very annoyed when we had to stop so Mom could serve dinner. Thanks for this offer.

Alexa Nernberg said...


I would love to win the prize pack and show my kids what real fun is. Please enter my name in your giveaway. Thank you.

Pamela S said...

I used to LOVE to play pick up sticks when I was little. Boy that was a long time ago LOL

Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net

ShyMommy said...

In elementary school, my teacher had a point system and whoever had the highest points at the end of the week got to stay after on Friday to play Ultimate Frisbee. It was soooo much fun!


Renee G said...

I remember my grandmother had a set of plastic pick up sticks at her house. Playing with these and being read stories from an old storybook are some of my favorite childhood memories.

Rachel said...

I remember playing Pick-Up-Sticks at all of the family reunions at my great aunt's house.


arla said...

I am following your blog & the memory I have of frisbee was playing frisbee in a huge field atop a hill with 2 of my friends, it was neat


demmi said...

I remember playing pick up sticks with friends on the porch on rainy summer days

Donna said...

I remember playing frisbee with my friends when I was a teen.

Donna said...

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Anonymous said...

I had a dog growing up that would never get tired from catching a frisbee all day... I even buried the frisbee in his grave when he passed. God, I miss my Bubba :(


Unknown said...

We lived on a quiet block and after work on nice days everyone- kids, parents, kids and dogs would play frisbee in the street. It was a blast.

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Twitter follower dddiva

Unknown said...


Amy delong said...

I remember playing frisbee with my dad!


Sonya said...

We played frisbee a lot as a kid, but I was never very good at it!

Candie L said...

My husband and I played frisbee golf when we first met (13 years ago). I also loved playing with a yo-yo when I was little. I was never any good, though. Thank you


Candie L said...

I am following you on twitter (cluster77). Thank you


Candie L said...

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Kathy P said...

my brother and i used to play pick up sticks all the time and i always lost .we also loved the game with the monkeys in the barrel i just thought of that too :)

Kathy P said...

following on twitter klp1965

Kathy P said...


justicecw said...

I always loved playing with yo-yo's but I never did figure out how to "walk the dog" :) thanks, justicecw@hotmail.com

justicecw said...

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justicecw said...

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justicecw said...

Tweeted at http://twitter.com/justicecw/status/5156670109

Anonymous said...

We six kids loved our Frisbee
but it wasn't made of plastic;
ours was an old cardboard cake plate
and you know...
it flew fantastic!

riceburns (at) hotmail (dot) com

Natalie A. said...

I always remember playing all those games and they were fun! Great memories! Thanks!

coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

Natalie A. said...

I follow on Twitter! natdey

coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

Natalie A. said...


coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

Natalie A. said...

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coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

Jinxy and Me said...

We used to play Pick-Up-Sticks at my Grandma's house

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm following your blog!

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm following you on Twitter. (My Twitter name is @ThriftyJinxy)

Nancy S. said...

I loved playing pick up sticks. I never had much luck with yo yos. Either the string would come off or it just wouldn't come back up!
ncschools at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

In college Frisbees were big. I have fond memories of wearing bell bottoms and playing with Frisbees between breaks. garrettsambo@aol.com

Nancy S. said...

I subscribe to your blog.
ncschools at yahoo dot com

Nancy S. said...

I follow you on twitter - ncschools
ncschools at yahoo dot com

Nancy S. said...

I tweeted.
ncschools at yahoo dot com

Sand said...

I used to love playing pick up sticks with my best friend.









cman said...

I remember playing frisbee during a lot of summers as a kid.

lilyk said...

I enjoyed playing with frisbees when I was a kid.

StuffSmart said...

I used to like to play with the yo-yo. I was pretty good at some of the tricks too.

StuffSmart said...

I follow you ont twitter.
Username: StuffSmart

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