
Vote on the VTech Bugsby Writing Contest

Taken straight from Twitter Moms on a new VTech Bugsby writing contest:

"VTech, proud parents of the newly launched Bugsby Reading System (you might have heard of it through our RAMBO alert last week) is hosting Bugsby’s Great Adventures, an interactive contest that allows you and your child to write your own Bugsby story together. Know what’s even cooler? Three stories will be chosen for future publication – your child’s could be one of them!"

My daughter wrote her version of Bugsby saving the toys on the moon and even though I noticed one of the objects is blocking the bubble text, it's still good.

Please help her win the VTech Bugsby writing contest and vote for her book by clicking on this Bugsby link!


1 comment:

  1. Just wandering in via the MBC. It's nice to "meet" you!

    (BTW, I'm now following you!)



Thank you!