
All You: Limeades for Learning via Sonic

Great alert from All You Magazine:

Help public school teachers—and students—with Limeades for Learning®

When back-to-school time rolls back around, you'll do anything to help your kids get prepared—and this year, you can help their teachers out, too. Take a look at this edition of ALL YOU's Inspired Ideas Newsletter for an easy (and delicious) way to fund classroom projects for public school educators from all across the country: the Limeades for Learning program from SONIC®, America's Drive-In®.

Lend teachers a much-needed hand. Resources and funding for teachers are lessening every day—and SONIC Drive-In wants to help. This September, SONIC will donate more than half a million dollars to public school classrooms in local communities through Limeades for Learning.

Support students who need it most. Limeades for Learning is a program formed in partnership with, an organization that helps public school educators find the materials for classroom projects they wouldn't have funding for otherwise. Requests range from pencils for a poetry-writing unit, to violins for a school recital, to microscope slides for a biology class.
Find out what you can do. Your part is simple! Just order any drink at a SONIC Drive-In during September, peel the sticker off your cup to find the drink's unique code, then go to and vote for the project you believe will help kids most. You sip, kids learn.

Here's to a successful new school year—for everyone!

As for me, Go Knights!

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