
GentleWaves® LED

Another facial wrinkle remover I just read about is the GentleWaves® LED. It was reported in April 2008, the FDA approved this LED system. Since our skin loses elasticity over time and other culprits such as stress, overexposure to sun, excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking and other pollutants do not help, there are ways to counter that damage. The variety of products are ranging from creams to serums to botox to laser to LEDs and not to forget, surgery.

The GentleWaves® LED provides an alleged option to counter these ill effects on our skin. The GentleWaves® Skin Fitness System claims to help restore and maintain “healthier, smoother and better-looking skin.”

The only FDA-approved LED device for wrinkle reduction around the eyes is delivered through “Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to activate cells causing them to produce collagen and multiply. By building collagen, wrinkles are reduced and skin retains a more youthful, radiant appearance. LED Photomodulation also simultaneously suppresses collagen-degrading enzymes that assist in the aging process. ” Some of the claims of this product is it improves the skin’s texture, simulates collagen, shrinks pore size and inhibits those nasty collagenase that are the culprits in attacks against our collagen.

“GentleWaves®, the first LED device FDA-approved for wrinkle reduction, offers a totally natural, non-ablative method for skin rejuvenation. In a process similar to photosynthesis in plants, the LED light interacts with cells and stimulates them to produce more collagen and elastin, while decreasing enzymes that breakdown skin. GentleWaves delivers this light in a unique, pulsing sequence that is administered in just minutes.”

Since GentleWaves® does not utilize on thermal (heat) energy, the claim is there is no potential damage to the skin, the patient will experience no pain or discomfort and there are no documented side effects (yet). They state that the procedure not only reduces fine lines and wrinkles but can also reduce freckles, brown spots and skin redness.

They do recommend a series of eight to ten treatments which can be done twice per week.

The procedure lasts less than one minute, there is no downtime, painless, no anesthesia, can be used on all skin types and is inexpensive. Patients report a difference after five to seven treatments.

“LED technology costs about less than half and 35% the cost of comparable laser light therapy,” the inventor says. “It’s a slam dunk for practices who can’t afford these expensive lasers.”

Anyone try it and have any opinion on it?

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