The leading online moving supplies retailer, Get Moving Supplies, LLC want to say, "Welcome Home" with this amazing Welcome Home Event. There is something about a home. It's a place we gather and create memories, we kick back and relax, we invite people in and we celebrate in our own way. Jane Austen once wrote, "There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort." Get Moving Supplies, LLC proudly serves over 300 cities nationwide and is ready for your moving boxes needs! They are locally owned, so every time you choose them, you're supporting your local economy.
Whether it is across town, across the country or just next door, the Get Moving Supplies, LLC website for your city is your first stop for high quality moving boxes and supplies. We offer free shipping and wholesale prices on our full line of inventory. Visit Get Moving Supplies, LLC to find a local dealer.
Get Moving Supplies is dusting off the welcome mat and wants to be the first to say,
"Welcome Home!"
hosted by:
Bea's Gift Baskets, Clipping Money and Mommy's Memorandum
It's a Giveaway of EPIC Fun!
Five Amazing Prizes
Five Lucky Winners
Check out what you could be coming home to:
Grand Prize:
*Apple iPad with wi-fi bundle, folio case, dock, speakers, stylus and charge kit
First Prize:
*32" LCD TV
Second and Third Prize:
*(2) Benevenuta a Casa Baskets from Bea's Gift Baskets
Fourth Prize:
*$50 Walmart Gift Card
Sponsored by:
Get Moving Supplies, LLC
Enter below using the Rafflecopter Widget.
Ends 7/31 at 11:59PM (EST)
Prizes will be awarded in the order they are drawn from the list above.
You must be 18 years or older to enter.
Only one Rafflecopter entry per IP Address.
a Rafflecopter giveaway Disclosure: This giveaway is sponsored by Get Moving Supplies, LLC. Health, Beauty, Children and Family is not responsible for Prize Fulfillment. I hope all my readers take the time to enter this amazing event full of great prizes for five winners. If you do win, please let me know! Good luck!
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The last time I moved was just from one house to another in the same city. I hate moving...it's always hard to move when you've got a ton of stuff!
About 4 years ago I moved to another Town only about 15 minutes away.
I have beem living in the smae house for 15 years and have no plans on moving
It was from a city to a smaller town
The last time I moved was a few years ago and it was just right up the road. Never plan on doing it again either!
My family and I just moved almost a year ago--across the country. We hope to never have to move again.
I moved from one borough in NY to another one. Not really too far, but quite an ordeal w/ a 2 yr old., dog,and guinea pigs!
I have been hearing good feedbacks about this company. I heard they really do a good job and they are very professional. And those giveaways are awesome. I hope I could have one of those.
from one little village to another...LOL...about 4 years ago...
the last time i moved was 2 towns over
my last move was last year and was across town.
I moved about 3 hours away, but in the same state.
moved 5 miles away...had to find a cheaper place to stay :) thanks,simms3710@yahoo.com
Our last move was about 2.5 years ago and we moved an hour down the road to a smaller (and less crime-ridden) city. It was a painful move, but ultimately worth it. Thanks!
I moved from VA to SC!
I moved 2 years ago about 15 miles away.
We moved about 2.5 miles away. My husband's Mom had advanced Alzheimers and was in a nursing home. When she passed we bought her home.
most recent move was 12 years ago and it was just from town to town, about 20 miles.
last move was just from town to town. about 20 miles.
My last move was 18 years ago when I was pregnant with my first child! We moved about 3 miles away from our first apt.
my most recent move was 1 year ago and it was across town
Could really use some of these things thanks
I moved across town, about 15 miles.
12 yrs ago when we retired from navy life and continued moving to move back to both our home town in Tennessee for good
last move was just down the road from apt to house. one before that was a BIG move. our stuff got shipped over water!
The last time I moved it was from one city to another in the same couny.
Havent moved in the past 6 years and it was just across town.
My most recent move was from the west side to the east side. My mom bought me a house!!
My most recent move was 7 years ago when we moved into our home!
The last move I made was from a bigger city to a smaller one-was the best thing I did for my kids.
Last move I made was from a bigger city-to a smaller city more countryfried for my kids. T he best move I did for our family.
The last time I moved was 2,000 miles across country back here to CA, and my next move will be 2,000 miles BACK to WI in November. LOL
Across town
SarahRose_914 AT yahoo DOT com
I have lived in the same house for 33 yrs... I don't plan on moving anytime soon but my son was in the Army and I helped him move 4 times!
I moved 3 years ago about an hour north of where I was before. I'm glad I moved but the new house has been a money pit.
I moved to Northern California from Socal for college. This would be an awesome win for this college student!
We moved about 30 minutes away from where we were living for my husbands job
believe it or not, i've lived in the same house all my life!
The last time I moved was across the city I live in.
Last time I moved it was across the city I live in.
I moved from New York to Myrtle Beach. We drove down and beat the moving van by 2 days! Slep on the floor of the closet.
across town 8 years ago
Just down the road, and am going to have to move again in a few months, I just hate moving
Last time I moved was when I went to college, about 8 years ago.
3 years ago I moved from California to Utah.
Almost 2 years ago we moved 8 hours away from a small town in Missouri to Oklahoma City.
Celeste M.
I moved from one county to the next county over about 3 years ago, in the middle of winter, including blizzards
Most recent move was 9 1/2 years ago from Iowa to Portland, Oregon.... and I've never looked back! Now I am married & we have a 3yr old son & feel blessed to be raising him in such a diverse & happening city!
My most recent move was 15 years ago!
The last time I moved was after my Sister passed away. To a new house about 6 years ago. It was across town.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Alicia Som amsstar5 (at) yahoo (d0t) com: Our last move was about 20 minutes drive up into the hills. We moved almost 4 years ago.
10 months across town - 20 miles
i just moved six months ago it was down the street from my old house and i think i moved into the wrong house land lord wont fix nothing starting to piss me off think i just might be moven again by the end of the year if she dont fix ceilling and basement so
We moved two years ago in the same tow. Just different houses lol.
same town, just a different house. After I got married
My most recent move was across state. I hate the stress of moving.
i moved a few months ago and i only moved across town
I have not moved recently but I am thinking its time for a change. It's much needed right now.
Shelia Garrett
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