Embracing a Healthy Family: Wii Super Mario Bros Party Pack Giveaway 6/15 US & Canada

Wii Super Mario Bros Party Pack Giveaway 6/15 US & Canada

Wii Super Mario Bros Party Pack Giveaway!

Sponsored by Mommy & Baby Reviews & Giveaways, Powered by Mom and Mom Does Reviews


What's in the box:

Black Nintendo Wii Console Black Remote Plus & Nunchuck New Super Mario Bros. Wii Super Mario Galaxy 2 Soundtrack CD
Plus 4 Wii Games
Valued at over $250 !
  • Built-in Wi-Fi Access For Easy Connection To Internet
  • Netflix instant streaming functionality allows for thousands of movies, TV shows, cartoons and more right on your TV
  • New Super Mario Bros. Wii offers a 1-4 player, cooperative or competitive experience
  • The newly configured black Wii console is designed exclusively for Wii game play and entertainment experiences (Nintendo GameCube software and accessories are not supported)
Wii Remote Plus and Nunchuk: The Wii Remote Plus controller is the standard wireless controller that ships with each Wii. It combines the intuitive motion controls of the original Wii Remote with the precision technology of the Wii MotionPlus accessory, all built-in to a single unit. The device is handled in a wand-like fashion, and uses internal gyroscope and accelerometer technology to pinpoint the players movements and physical positioning which it then relates into a game via a sensor bar connected to the console. The Wii Remote Plus has only a few buttons making it easy to use. It also contains a speaker, a rumble feature, and an external connector for other input devices like the Nunchuk controller and the Classic Controller.
New Super Mario Bros. Wii:

A classic Mario adventure that everyone can enjoy. This Side scrolling Platformer for 1-4 players has a game rating of "E" with Comic Mischief. Language is English, Spanish and French. Mario has made a mighty leap out into the galaxy. We've also made the leap to full surround orchestration for the music that paints the backdrop to Mario games. Much as a multitude of stars come together to create a galaxy, many musicians have come together to create music to fill your hearts. Our thanks to all of the following hosts who helped make this giveaway possible. If you get a chance please visit their sites, you won't be disappointed.

Kathleen's Blog Spot, Couponista Queen, Fragrances 123, Coupons with Q, Single Mom Inspirations, Lil' Daily Deals, Mommy's Memorandum, Sweet Deals 4 Moms, Linda's Angels, Life as Leels, Making Memories With Your Kids Mom Of One and Having Fun, Couponing4you, Mom to Bed by 8, Comic Book Mom, Frugal Diva Frenzy, Frugal 4 Four, Mommy Coupon Swappers, My Photopage, Health, Beauty, Children and Family, The Penny Hoarder, Angie's Wraps DonnasDealsAndMore, I Love My Kids, NowandZen4u, Kat's Cafe, Emptynester Reviews & Giveaways, Capri's Coupons, In The Kitchen With KP, Building Carpenters, Making of a Mom, Ohayo Okasan, Giveaway Bandit Jenny at Dapperhouse, Cha Ching Queen, Nana Roberta, Sister's Saving Cents, Heavenly Savings, PR Mom Ambassador Freebie Spot, Bear Haven Mama's Tales, I'm A Silly Mami, Christina Serrano Ind Avon Sales Rep, Wraps With Wendy Crazed Mind, Cajun Couponer, Family, Love and Other Stuff, Freebies 4 Real, Simple Savings For ATL Moms The Shopping Duck, Tatum's Family Reviews, Chant3llo's Blog, Random Deals, 2 Dorks in Love, Views From the 'Ville, Miki's Hope, HomeGrownFamilies.net, ACE Is Healthy Weight loss, One House Schoolroom, Helping Moms Connect & Camp Wags

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Janet W. said...

My favorite game was CandyLand. No video games back then!

Janet W. said...

My favorite wii game is Mario Party!

Anonymous said...

Wheel of fortune!


J. Cannon said...

My favorite is Family Game Night 4: The Game Show!

Naomi C. said...

i love mario brothers - on any game system ;)

Patricia Sanchez said...

Growing up Mario Bros was one of my fav games, still have classic game :)

Patricia Sanchez said...

Favorite wii game is Mario :)

Cody said...

Super Mario All-Stars

PAIGE said...

I loves Twister. Old school.

PAIGE said...

My favorite wii game is Mario Party.

Anonymous said...

I've never played on the Wii so I don't really have a favorite. I would like to have the Wii Fitness though.

Anonymous said...

My favorite game growing up was Monopoly.

Laura S said...

My favorite wii game is the sims: castaway! so much fun! lsenko83 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I have not got to play the wii yet sadly

Anonymous said...

I always loved the simple nentendo mario bros/ duckhunt game

Candie L said...

I really like the Resort Game. Thank you


Candie L said...

I have always loved CHutes and Ladders. THank you


Paula Proffitt said...

Mario Cart

Paula Proffitt said...

Hide and Seek

maggie coupon bailey said...

health beauty children and family

maggie coupon bailey said...


jakiesmom said...

i like wii sports bowling

Unknown said...

Growing up my game was sorry.

Heather R said...

Carnival Games


Julie Bjerga said...

I love the Mario Galaxy games the most! karmabodhi80(at)gmail(dot)com or Julie KarmaBjerga BodhiDrum on facebook.

Julie Bjerga said...

My favorite game was the original Super Mario for the first Nintendo system (yes, I have always loved the Mario games from the very beginning when I saved up my money for a year or two and bought my own first Nintendo, the first system that came out - DES?). Board game was Scrabble though. ;)

Julie KarmaBjerga BodhiDrum on facebook, and karmabodhi80(at)gmail(dot)com

Cassy Scroggins said...

Super Mario Brothers....LOVED IT!

Heather R said...

I played Sonic with my sister


Steve York said...

I like Sonic and Mario at the Winter Olympics.

Steve York said...

Favorite game growing up was Ms Pacman. :) (this is Jennifer York using my husbands log in as it didn't give me the option to enter my own info on my first comment and this one).

Bluecupcake said...

I haven't owned a WII :( but my sister does and i loved playing the fitness games those were so much fun !

fingers & toes crossed
I'm a full time mom /student .All i do 7 days a week is go to school and be with my daughter .I dont have time to go to the gym .I'd love to use the WII for working out while my 2 year old is napping .I need to lose about 12 lbs that just dont seem to shred .WII could definitely help me lose weight .

fingers & toes crossed

thanks for the chance .


Alyson M said...

My Favorite Game growing up was actually the board game Life!

brandi hawn said...

I;m not sure b/c I don't have one, but would love to win so I can play :)

brandi hawn said...

My favorite game growing up was nintendo's mario bros :)

Heather H said...

my favourite game growing up was The Game of Life !

jessica H said...

I like mario kart and mario party, but dont have either for wii!! I loved scrabble, uno, dream phone..too many to count!!

Anonymous said...

Growing up I didn't have game's like these so it has to be Hide N Seek

Tian H. said...

Mario Bros was one of my favorite game, thank you.

Tian H. said...

My favorite game on Wii is dance game, thank you.

Anonymous said...

I've never played the wii!

Alice Hinck

Danielle said...

I've never played a Wii but my son is dying for one. I would guess my fav game would be Zumba....I LOVE Zumba but always look like an idiot when I go to the class at our local YMCA.

Danielle said...

Fav game growing up.....Mario Cart :)

Karen A. said...

I don't have a favorite because I don't have a Wii. Hoping to win this so that I can get started.

Karen A. said...

My favorite game was and still is Scrabble.

Lindsey S. said...

I like Mario Cart!

Unknown said...

My favorite game now id Family Game Night, I love to play with my daughters. My favorite game as a child, Duck Hunt!

Anonymous said...

Mario Cart!!


Trisha McKee said...

Pitfall on Atari


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